Wednesday, October 25, 2006

L&O SVU kills E. Hasselbeck

As we all know, Law & Order is notorius for showing stories starring characters that "have nothing to do" with real life celebrities. Often times the general public wonders, are they doing this on purpose, but some times we know for a fact. Like the case of Britney and Kevin Spears. Everyone knew that episode was based on them, it had so much tabloid research put into the characters you almost thought they guest appeared in the role themselves. But though there was a lot of buzz over that show, there didn't seem to be a ton of controversy, after all, it was all tabloid true... However, L&O may have gone a little too far with their Elizabeth Hassenback character (of course she has nothing at all to do with View co-host Elisabeth Hasselbeck). Unlike the Mr. & Mrs. Spears sketch-like episode, they actually had this character raped twice and then murdered. As if two rapings wasn't all the proof she needed to know that some, well maybe most of the folks over at L&O SVU "hate her stinkin' guts". And they didn't even try to say that it wasn't based on her... which may be the saddest part. The whole episode was like a big fat "TAKE THAT" to the daytime smarty pants.
Perhaps celebrities, A and D list alike, could learn something from this. If your public doesn't like you, or you do something publicly idiotic, not only will they make fun of you on MAD TV, but they'll also air hate episodes ond L&O.


Blogger Claire said...

Wow. That's pretty harsh.


5:37 AM, October 26, 2006  

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