Mr. Kevin Spears...DUMPED!
So it's finally over! Two years of chaos and really bad tabloid news wrapped around the Mrs and Mr. Spears controversy has finally begun to look up. Last night, Brit filed for divorce from her pimp cup toting joke of a husband, only one day after K-Fed gave a speech in Toronto about his wife's support during his even bigger joke of a music "career". He wasn't in Toronto just for parties and pimpin', he was actually there to promote his album. As if the Canadians would welcome him any more than the Americans did. Federline's music career is about as big a floof as this whole marriage ordeal. And poor Britney is left single, with her reputation scarred (you've seen the photos, the video on youtube, and the tv show), and she's got two kids by the biggest loser in the USA. I wonder what Shar's thinking... how about "I told ya so.."
She's on her way to a comeback tho, back on the road to being america's favorite again. She made a surprise appearance on Letterman Monday night, where the world got to see Ms. Spears slimmed down, with becoming make-up and a very nice and much needed hair cut. She looked great, sort of what every one has been waiting for her to do these last two years. She let herself GO after Sean Preston, but now she's let Go of her no good baby's daddy, and only two months after giving birth to Jayden James, she looks great. I'm sure she won't have much trouble getting full custody of the kids, any judge who watches tv will assume that Federline's not fit. He's a mooch, and America is so glad that their favorite pop icon kicked him to the curb. I hope she borrowed Jessica's boots when she did it.
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